To promote China's high-quality development and high-standard opening up, the Chinese government has introduced multiple measures to facilitate cross-border travel and create better conditions for other countries to share the opportunities brought by China's development. The details are as follows:
I. Pilot Visa-Free Policy to 28 Countries
China has extended a pilot short-stay visa waiver policy for ordinary passport holders of 28 countries, namely France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Malaysia, Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Australia, Poland, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Slovenia,Slovakia, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, and the ROK. Until December 31, 2025, ordinary passport holders from these countries can enter China visa-free and stay for up to 15 days for business and trade, tourism, family and friends visit and transit purposes. Travelers from the above-mentioned countries who do not meet the conditions for visa exemption still need to apply for a visa before entering China.
II. Temporary Reduction of Visa Fees
As a temporary measure, from December 11, 2023 to December 31, 2024, there is a 25% discount on visa fees. Please consult your local Chinese embassies and consulates for details.
III. Exemption of Fingerprints Collection for Specific Visas
All applicants for single or double entry visa are exempted from fingerprints collection until (including) December 31, 2025.
IV. Frequently Asked Questions on Pilot Visa-Free Policies
Q: Do nationals of France, Germany and other countries eligible for the pilot visa waiver need to make declarations to Chinese embassies and consulates in advance?
A: Nationals of France, Germany and other countries eligible for the pilot visa waiver do not need to declare in advance before entering China without a visa.
Q: Will the purpose of visit be examined by Chinese border inspection authorities when entering China? How will it be done? Are other documents needed for entering China in addition to a passport?
A: Foreign nationals traveling for purposes of business and trade, tourism, family and friends visit and transit that meet the visa waiver requirements can enter China without a visa upon examination and approval by China's border inspection authorities in accordance with law. For those who travel for purposes that do not meet the visa waiver requirements, or who are not allowed by 3 laws and regulations to enter China, their entry shall be denied by border inspection authorities in accordance with law. It is recommended that travelers bring supporting documents such as invitation letters, air tickets and hotel reservations corresponding to the purpose of their entry. Visa waiver does not apply to those who enter China for work, study or journalistic purposes.
Q: Is there any additional requirement for minors eligible for a visa waiver?
A: Visa waiver requirements for minors are the same as for adults.
Q: Are there any requirements on the type and validity of entry documents?
A: For foreign nationals, an ordinary passport valid for at least the duration of intended stay in China is needed. Holders of travel document, temporary or emergency documents other than ordinary passports are not eligible for the visa waiver.
Q: How is the 15-day stay period calculated?
A: Foreign nationals eligible for a visa waiver may stay in China continuously from the date of entry to 24:00 of the 15th calendar day.
Q: Does the visa waiver apply to foreign nationals who travel from a third country?
A: Eligible foreign nationals can depart for China from any country or region.
Q: Does the visa waiver apply to foreign nationals who travel by forms of transport other than aviation?
A: The visa waiver applies in all the sea, land and air ports in China that are open to foreign nationals (except where laws, regulations and bilateral arrangements have otherwise specified).
For arrivals in China by private transport, certain exit-entry procedures are needed for their means of transport in accordance with laws and regulations of China.
Q: Does the visa waiver apply to group travel?
A: The visa waiver applies to all eligible foreign nationals, traveling alone or in groups alike.
Q: If the length of intended stay exceeds 15 days, can the visa 5 waiver be extended?
A: Foreign nationals planning to stay in China for over 15 days shall apply for a visa corresponding to their purpose of visit in advance at a Chinese embassy or consulate. If they have to extend their stay for legitimate reasons after entering China visa-free, they shall apply for a stay or residence permit to the exit-entry authorities of public security organs of China.
Q: Does the visa waiver allow multiple entries? Is there any restriction on the entry intervals, the number of visa-free entries or total days of stay?
A: Foreign nationals eligible for the visa waiver can enter China without a visa for multiple times. Currently there is no restriction on the number of entries or total days of stay, but activities inconsistent with the purpose of visit are prohibited.
V. List of Agreements on Mutual Visa Exemption Between the People's Republic of China and Foreign Countries
In Chinese:
http:/ _660627/202110/t2021102910403 855.shtml
In English:
http:/ shtml
VI. Consular Legalisation/Apostillisation
In Chinese:
In English:
China welcomes friends from all parts of the world and will continue to provide a safe, enjoyable and convenient environment for their trips. For more information, please consult the Chinese embassy or consulates in your country. If you need to apply for a visa, you may access https:/ to fill out the online visa application form.
中方对法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、西班牙、马来西亚、 瑞士、爱尔兰、匈牙利、奥地利、比利时、卢森堡、新西兰、 澳大利亚、波兰、葡萄牙、希腊、塞浦路斯、斯洛文尼亚、斯洛伐克、挪威、芬兰、丹麦、冰岛、安道尔、摩纳哥、列支敦士登、韩国28个国家持普通护照人员试行免签政策。2025年12月31日前, 上述国家持普通护照人员来华经商、旅游观光、探亲访友和过境不超过15天, 可免签入境。上述国家不符合免签条件人员仍需在入境前办妥来华签证。
作为临时措施, 中国驻外使领馆自2023年12月11日至 2024年12月31日, 按现行收费标准的75%收取来华签证费。具体情况可向中国驻当地使领馆咨询。
2025年12月31日(含)前, 中国驻外使领馆将对所有申请一次或两次入境签证的申请人免采指纹。
答:法、德等国人员试行免签政策来华无需事先向中国 驻外使领馆申报。
2、问:中国边防检查机关是否及如何核查来华事由?入 境时除护照外是否需携带其他材料?
答:来华事由符合免签政策规定的经商、旅游观光、探 亲访友或过境的外国人,经中国边防检查机关依法查验准许 后入境;对来华事由与免签政策规定事由不符或具有其他法 定不准入境情形的外国人,边防检查机关将依法作出不准入 境决定。建议携带邀请函、机票酒店订单等与来华事由相符合的证明材料。来华工作、学习、采访报道等人员不属于免签范围。
答:外国人需持有效普通护照来华,有效期须满足在华 旅行需要。持旅行证、临时或紧急证件等普通护照以外证件 的外国人不适用免签政策来华。
答:符合免签来华条件的外国人自入境之日起可连续停 留至第15个自然日24时。
答:符合免签来华条件的外国人可从中国境外任何国家 (地区)出发。
答:单方面免签适用于所有对外国人开放的海陆空口岸 (法律法规或双边安排另有规定的除外)。如乘自备交通工 具来华,还应按照中国有关法律、法规办理自备交通工具进 出境等手续。
答:符合免签来华条件的外国人,无论是参加旅游团组, 还是个人旅游,都可适用免签政策入境。
答:外国人如拟在华停居留超过15日,应事先在中国驻 外使领馆办理与来华事由相符的签证。如适用免签政策入境 后因合理正当事由需继续在华停留的,应向公安机关出入境 管理机构申请办理停居留证件。
10、问:是否可以多次入境,对入境时间间隔是否有要 求,是否有免签次数、总停留天数限制?
答:外国人如符合免签来华条件,可多次适用免签政策 来华,目前对免签次数、总停留天数暂无限制,但应注意不 得从事与入境事由不符的活动。
中文版链接: http:/ 63855.shtml
英文版链接: http:/ 30.shtml
我们欢迎更多外国朋友到中国来, 将继续致力于为他们提供安全、舒适、便捷的旅行环境。如果想了解更多信息, 欢迎咨询中国驻外使领馆。如需办理签证,请登录在线填写《中国签证申请表》。